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Professional Code of Ethics

Professional Conduct in General 

  1. I will not knowingly make any public statement that is untrue or misleading about what I offer or make false claims in any written documents.

  2. I will accurately identify my qualifications, expertise, and experience.

  3. I will recognize and honor the efforts and contributions of others and not misrepresent them as my own. I understand that violating this standard may leave me subject to legal remedy by a third party.

  4. I will, at all times, strive to recognize personal issues that may impair, conflict or interfere with my relationship with you. 

  5. I will conduct myself by this Code of Ethics in all JourneyBetween conversations/discussions that I perform

Confidentiality and Privacy

I will maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with you.

Please use the Journey Message Center to correspond with me if you have questions or comments regarding the Code of Ethics described here.


Thank you.

Ronnie K

Journey Guide

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