Zoom Class Guidelines
Raise your Zoom hand if you'd like to share and please wait to be called before speaking as a courtesy to others.
When sharing your thoughts, use the first person pronoun “I” and not 2nd person “you” or ”we” … accept when applicable.
If you need to step-away from the meeting, please STOP your video before by clicking on the video icon at the bottom left of your Zoom screen. Click again to turn video on.
Confidentiality and Privacy
All class participants will maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with what is discussed in class among all participants. "What is discussed in class stays in class."

Meeting Courtesies to Consider
Be on time.
Come prepared to listen and importantly participate.
Your participation adds to the success of this class.
Speak loud enough for others to hear
If called upon, say “Pass" if that’s what you want to do.
Maintain a "safe space" environment
Respect each other's thoughts with understanding.
There are no "right" or "wrong" thoughts or conversations.
Be respectful of others’ “airtime.”
The "chat" feature is set to be delivered to everyone.
Other suggestions.
Convenient Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts
As you become more experienced with Zoom, learning a few keyboard shortcuts will make your meetings more manageable.
Temporarily turn mic on:
Hold Spacebar down to turn-on mic
Release Spacebar to turn mic off.
Take a screenshot:
Cmd (⌘)+T (macOS)
Alt+Shift+T (Windows)
Enter or exit full screen:
Cmd (⌘)+Shift+F (macOS)
Alt+F: (Windows)